Genre: Adventure/Fantasy
Publication Date: 1997
Recommended Age Group: Anyone 12 and Up
Summary: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the first in what is to be a set of seven books by J.K. Rowling. This book starts out when Harry is an eleven-year-old boy living with his aunt and uncle. We learn later that his parents were killed by an evil wizard name Lord Voldemort who now wishes to kill Harry because he is the only one who had survived his spell of death. In the beginning Harry is unaware of all of this and thinks he is an ordinary boy. His aunt and uncle did not want him to know anything about his parents or their death. On his birthday he receives a visitor named Hagrid who tells him of his background and that he is to go to a famous wizarding school named Hogwarts. This is the beginning of his adventures that he shares with his two best friends Ron and Hermione. The battle many things, including Lord Voldemort in a weakened state and they overcome them all.
Personal Notes: I think this is a wonderful book especially for those who were not previously readers and who have not, as yet, been able to enjoy reading. As a big reader myself I find it hard to find books to recommend to people who don’t like reading because most of the books I read are quite long and wordy. It is always refreshing when I find a good and easy book that I like as well. It gives me a break from the other reading and it gives me something to recommend to others.
Some people might have problems with this book because of its magical content but I don’t think that is really the point of this set of novels. While they do contain magic it is not the main focus. When Harry in the end defeats Lord Voldemort he doesn’t do it with magic. He uses his brains and he is true to what he knows is right and protects what he chooses as such. I think these books would be just as great and have just as good of a message if there was no magic. But the magical elements make it more fun to read and more entertaining.
Other reviews available:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling
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